very random indeed. didn't not expect this. i like the idea of going abruptly into other songs. it's awesome. good job... and maybe try to get a bit better in the fluid-ness of the animation.
still good though. should have had more SONGS!
very random indeed. didn't not expect this. i like the idea of going abruptly into other songs. it's awesome. good job... and maybe try to get a bit better in the fluid-ness of the animation.
still good though. should have had more SONGS!
Thank you.
aaron_mills said:
"why make crap like that. it not funny
that what i think"
cave man no like flash. flash no make cave man laugh. cave man can't do anything about it.
Simply awesome. Why not stop racism where it starts? does anyone know where it starts?
with black peepl constantly putting down white peepl, WITH: accusations of being racist because the accuser simply does not agree with the subject at hand, stupid names for peepl not of color (but nigga's ok only if you are black, or latin... and some white peepl who act really black. eveyone else saying it is racist.), peepl of color hating white peepl because of slavery. now if you weren't alive to witness what happenned, dont' get mad. because nothing bad happenned to YOU. Fucking come on. The US stopped segregation along time ago, but alot of colored peepl don't even try to blend in. instead they group together in one area, then complain about how everyones racist.
lol. not trying to take shit seriously, but peepl have to understand. George bush doesn't hate black peepl, he just doesn't care about anyone. and kanye, as long as you're accepted by everyone who likes bad rap, then it shouldn't matter to you. you have money.
....oh. and it starts with skin heads heads from southern countries too. but to sum up where racism comes from, it comes from morons.
pretty go-I GET IT NOW!
i like tehse kinds of animations. it's like they go in and out of the actual cartoon, thethink about how not to get balmmed. great work. sequel i say, sequel!
i'm speechless.
So awesome. Frame by frame the whole way, the style was very different from what i usualy watch. I liked the whole vibe of it; very cool. I shall award you a 10 and a 5.
where the hell have you been all this time?
I just got done watching all of your animations.... voted 5 for everyone of them. i loved them all. really funny. YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE. DO IT.
...i'm gonna go take a shit now.
the shit just keeps getting better and better.
best ninja movie so far. i'm counting on you man... for a number 3.
fucking great
the mega man thing.... awesome. were all the characters doing anyway? dancing? were they high? what hapenned? lol... cyrax was just as confused as me.
hi. ....that's it.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 12/28/04