...i don't really know what to say
i mean... it was good. like.. not bad. but.... not front page.
Not my cup o' tea i guess.
...i don't really know what to say
i mean... it was good. like.. not bad. but.... not front page.
Not my cup o' tea i guess.
YOU DID IT! FRONT PAGE MY NIGGA! FUCKING A! the movie was awesome. i hope a sequel is in the works for 2008. lol I wonder if this means all your new stuff will be hitting the front page... ?
great job guy.
Other than the fact that you're missing one major competitor in the console wars.... (understandable seeing as their may have not been many places to put the wii in something like this), it was sparta. which is awesome. so you get a 5 sir.
very nice job putting a little doctor roxxo in there. this just amde my day. great job.
Awesome job on this one. i was never a fan of double dragon advance... and this definitely made me feel better about the game sucking. you can still make a mean fucking animation with the sprites.
Great Fucking job
you thought DD advance sucked? woah dude? how could you?, serious dude, DD advance has like 14 different attacks(without the weapons), this game is fucking Kickass, but yea, the oldschools always stay #1 in the series, Glad ya liked it
~Rebaz Talei
the first thing i thought when i saw this on newgrounds front page... like.. months after i'd first seen was "are you fucking kidding me? now? now it's front page?" but considering the fac tthat was exclusive to atomfilms... yeah...ok.
still 5'd none the less.
Never really got into toof before this... i liked it.. i just wasn't around newgrounds too much before when they were front pagin' like crazy. I think it's about time i go back n check em out. the few that i watched were awesome. The solid snake and Christopher Walken teef are so fuckin awesome. and bleeps just make it better.
Better than i expected.
Very nice and a somewhat unique style of animation with deh papers and all. quite funny as well.
and i must say, i make a good hell bubble.
hi. ....that's it.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 12/28/04